Sandra Waddock joins us in our AGM on the 27th May. To give an insight to her work here is an article she published in 2020.

This article off ers a framework for economics that affirms life to replace the flawed yet dominant paradigm of neoliberal economics. Building an argument for a new set of core memes— core ideas that are the building blocks of stories and narratives (like neoliberalism)—this article presents a proposed set of economics memes that support life drawn from a wide range of sources. The framework’s six memes are:

  • stewardship of the whole;
  • co-creating collective value;
  • governance through cosmopolitan-localism;
  • regeneration, reciprocity, and circularity;
  • relationship and connectedness; and
  • equitable markets and trade,

all of which are consistent in supporting other recent economics framings like ‘doughnut economics’.

Keywords: economics; neoliberalism; neoclassical economics; new economics; sustainability; memes;
narrative; stories

Dr. Sandra Waddock

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