8th November 18:30-19:30: How we can work to imagine, and create, a new future? Isabelle Drury

An exploration of how we can work to imagine, and create, a new future… Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR Isabelle Drury, writer and dreamer, explores the pressures younger people are placed under to [...]

9th November 18:30-19:30: Philosophy and Ecological Action – A Musical Lecture, Nathan Dufour

What does Philosophy have to do with ecological crisis, and our ability to confront it? The fundamental thesis of this presentation is that how we think about Nature affects how we interact with [...]

Event recording & resources: The Dos and Don’ts of the Voluntary Carbon Market. September 2023

Event: The Dos and Don’ts of the Voluntary Carbon Market, Richard Clarke, the Founder and Managing Director of Highland Carbon explains the difference between quality/reliable offsetting and [...]

26th October 11:00-12:30: Nature Based Climate Solutions, Richard Clarke

Richard Clarke will introduce the “TreeWilder Way” which shows how each of us can contribute to: At TreeWilder, we are passionate about restoring wild forests and waterways for [...]