Wise Thinking Partners is an Inner Development Goals hub.

We provide the opportunity for those, who care about bringing the aspirations of the Sustainable Development Goals to life in their life and work. We provide the Hub, a thinking space for exploring how we can meaningfully apply the knowledge, skills and practices of the Inner Development Goals.

Our gift is an open invitation on December 5th, for you to STOP, PAUSE and take some time and space to think with others about what really matters to you in your work and life. This is your first opportunity to explore how this peer learning community could help you ‘make the difference’ in the world. Join us for an hour on December 5th 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm UK TIME and start the conversation…

Register here

Here’s the link to the hub on the website our hub

And if people can’t make the 5th but want to sign up for the next meeting they can find out more and follow us on linkedin.

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