This is a story of how one man faced his darkest moment with courage and perhaps the most important mind-set: trust.

What Garry did next shaped the rest of his life and has enabled him to become a “force for good”, finding ways to heal and grow and give unconditionally.

In this talk Garry shares all he’s learned so others can take inspiration. His journey is far from conventional yet he shows us how each of us could do it, in our own way, if we had to. He draws on lessons learned from nature and living with indigenous tribes and creating global, ethical businesses that sustained his journey.

The skills and mindsets he’s developed on his journey have radically transformed the lives all those he loves – his family, old and new friends  – and are now extending his impact to broken families globally.

Watch the talk:

To find out more about Garry’s 100K Father’s project, please visit 100kfathers.


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If you would like to make a modest, voluntary donation it will be used to reward the organisers and speakers for their efforts, with a small percentage going towards ASP’s organisational costs, please visit our Join & Donate page where you can also find out more about becoming a member of ASP.

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