I’ve been working in leadership and change consulting for over 25 years.

A keen skier, former Royal Navy diver and lover of the natural world, I’ve a passion for protecting the environment and diversity. As Head of Risk, Safety and Sustainability for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), I led the organisation wide materiality assessment and sustainability reporting, alongside a transformation programme to improve compliance. In subsequent roles I introduced circular business models into a sustainable cooling company, focussed on delivering refrigeration in areas with poor electrical grids and acted as CEO in 2 start ups. 

I’m currently a leadership specialist at a global organisational development and training firm, seeking to improve sustainable business practice.

Also I’m a Fellow of the Institute for Leadership and the Association for Coaching and have a BSc in Systems Science and Business, a Masters in Education, Leadership and Change, postgraduate certification in Environmental Management and Sustainability and also hold qualifications in project, programme, safety and risk management.

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