What can I let go of, and free myself up from?
What do we need to let go of, so as not to make matters worse?

Given the state we’re in, these are questions I find myself asking. Often surprised by the responses; they actually improve the quality of my life.

Bude residents looking at the future of the town’s beachfront in the context of climate change may be asking similar questions. Shock rather than surprise may be felt today – perhaps it’ll take decades to realise improvement, given the significant likely upheaval.

And, Bude deserves much credit for being prepared ask the tough questions – “people have formed the Bude Climate Partnership to address the threat head on”.

Article: ‘We can’t afford to wait’: a Cornish town faces climate threat head on | Climate crisis | The Guardian

If you are interested in exploring your equivalent
, join us at Leading Through Storms CIC on 19th February for an hour. We’ll share our writing on ‘relinquishment’ with you ahead of time to get your creative curiosity juices flowing.

Our starting point for February’s inquiry will be the quality of relinquishment.

In his writing on the subject, James entertains the possibility that – contrary to dominant consumerist narrative – “redacting certain choice may actually be beneficial”. Indeed, he describes how, freed “from some weird, entitled tyranny”, his own processes of relinquishment have enabled him “to concentrate more on what really matters” – making sense of the world and his life in fresh ways.

If you’re curious to explore how your own patterns of thinking drive the leadership choices you make, and experiment with what you might helpfully let go of, so as not to make matters even worse, please join us.

We’ll send you our Relinquishment Deep Adaptation resource ahead of time and suggest you allow around 30 mins for reading and reflection.

Come alone or bring a friend. We look forward to welcoming you to this online hour of inquiry in good company with others.

Sign up: Monday Monthly: Relinquishment: What do we need to let go of, so as not to make matters worse? — Leading Through Storms

Photo by Kelly

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