My name is Matt Tutt and I’m an SEO and digital marketing consultant that helps purpose-driven, sustainable or ethical brands and organisations to get found online.

Originally from Bournemouth I moved out to Galicia in northern Spain several years ago where I now live with my partner and two young daughters.

A while ago I made the decision to try and use my digital marketing skills, which include SEO and PPC (or Google Ads management), for good – to try and help elevate those people and organisations that I feel are doing important work.

Whilst many might feel the marketing industry as a whole is part of the problem, I’m trying to see how I can do my part to encourage other marketers to see some of the issues that are affecting us all – from rampant over consumption to supporting unethical businesses.

As part of my work within the SEO industry I created and published the first climate change surveys aimed at the SEO community, with the aim of raising awareness of web-based emissions and to push SEOs to try and encourage the businesses they work with to take their web based emissions seriously.

I also try to find time to provide pro bono SEO support for small NGOs and charities that aren’t able to access funding, yet need help with their online presence.
Having worked in SEO for over 10 years I’ve helped all kinds of businesses to help ensure their website can be found at the right moment by their target audience.

I have also helped charities and NGOs by making them aware of, and subsequently managing the Google Ads Grant program where they could be eligible for a $10,000 monthly grant to be put towards running Google Ads to help raise the visibility of their cause.

Outside of work I am currently trying to grow as much edible food from my garden as possible, as well as rewilding parts of it for bees and other pollinators. I also have a few chickens that forage around our fruit orchard.

I can also be found on LinkedIn here if you would like to connect with me.

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