Let’s get swopping! Let’s network. Let’s chat. Let’s discuss how we can all embrace swopping, sharing and renting and encourage the next generation to do the same!

We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Association of Sustainability Practitioners for this event as part of a joint campaign to encourage consumers and small businesses to boycott Black Friday. Instead, let’s make 24th November #CitizenFriday!


Because Black Friday is most often an inauthentic marketing ploy. It’s bad for business, especially small businesses. It’s bad for people. It’s bad for the environment. And if finances are tough, there are far better ways to help your £££s go further.

Swopping, sharing and renting are increasingly popular options for a variety of products. They are solutions that are good for the planet and good for our pockets. But how do we make these options appealing for a younger generation that constantly craves new ‘stuff,’ especially when fast fashion is high on their agenda?

That’s exactly what Charlie Hurlock and Vicky Fuller are doing.

Join us online for our monthly networking and discussion event to see how these two fabulous ladies have made clothes swopping ‘sexy’ for 6 to 16 year olds!


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