When people we respect and admire die, we’re good at saying kind and appreciative things.  Unfortunately, we’re not so good at remembering to voice these thoughts while they’re alive. But it doesn’t have to be like that!  

Years ago, while doing facilitation work all over the world, Liz Zeidler came up with a little acronym to help people give each other good quality feedback so they can work together more effectively.  The advice was to remember to talk to people with AC/DC in mind.  Feedback should be:

ACCURATE (people won’t accept it if it’s not plausible and true)

CONSTRUCTIVE (whether positive or negative, make it something people can build on)

DETAILED (vaguely saying ‘you’re great’ doesn’t help people do that that again)

CARING (people will hear you if they think you care)

It’s great advice, not only because it helps people to make good progress together, but also because it encourages us to tell each other that we’re valued – and we all need that now and again – preferably while we’re still alive.

So on that note, I’d like to offer an example by appreciating Gwyn Jones.

He’s been a director of ASP for over 14 years, where he’s been a true champion of the mission and a constant source of energy and inspiration. He’s always on the lookout for opportunities to promote the transformative learning that helps us behave more sustainably, and where he doesn’t see them, he creates them.  And talk about caring! 

These newsletters, and much of what’s in them bears the fingerprints of Gwyn’s light touch leadership. He’s the humble mentor who insists on being known as an ‘apprentice’ Elder even though countless people could tell us stories of his wise support. 

Gwyn – this is no eulogy, it’s just a bit of feedback about why it’s so good to have you on the team. Please print it in full. You deserve it.  Keep doing what you’re doing my wonderful friend.

Mike Zeidler

Main Photo by RDNE Stock project

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