Alan Raw, Sustainability Officer at Pan Galactic talks about the orgnaisation’s current work utilising space-tech and blockchain to support climate action on the ground in Yorkshire.

Pan Galactic:

We’re a passionate team of Space and Blockchain enthusiasts on a mission to create the Pan Galactic Blockchain; a state-of-the-art, sustainable platform designed for the Space economy.

Our commitment extends to developing logistics applications that enhance Space industry operations. Excitingly, we’re now proud registered suppliers to both the European Space Agency and UK Space Agency. Plus, we’re one of the founding members of the European Centre for Space Economics and Commerce. We take our responsibility to Earth seriously. We’re dedicated to becoming a carbon-negative blockchain company.

How? We’re reimagining consensus protocols and taking action in our daily operations. This includes partnerships for marine conservation, Sea Grass planting initiatives, and hands-on efforts to acquire and preserve woodlands and forests, where we’ll be conducting forestry work and planting schemes.

Join us in shaping a brighter future for our planet.

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