ASP – Association of Sustainability Practitioners

Simon Cusden

I am a former professional cricketer and now a private coach for high-performing professionals who are struggling with mental health challenges such as depression, addiction, burnout, grief, and thoughts of suicide.

With my personal experience of addiction and recovery, I bring a unique perspective and understanding to the issues that many people face. My approach to coaching is holistic, addressing all aspects of a person’s life including mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, relational, financial, and environmental health.

I have spent over a decade studying, practicing, and teaching meditation, mindfulness, and self-awareness, which has equipped me to help individuals become more resilient, self-aware, and whole. I am dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives through coaching, speaking, training, and writing. My wife, Jess, offers yoga therapy and breathwork to support those battling addiction, and together, we are on a mission to help others.

Now seven years sober, I am eager to help others through my own story and the tools and practices that have served me.

Jess and I have twin sons, Jupiter and Phoenix, who joined us in 2022.

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