ASP – Association of Sustainability Practitioners

Roger Knight

Web developer and web sustainability consultant

I’ve worked in IT all my career, first in corporate banking and then as a web agency owner.

I set up my agency, AttractMore, in 2006 and since then I have created a lot of websites for a whole variety of businesses. My focus now is on creating low-carbon, sustainable websites that are search-optimised and highly performant, i.e. websites built for people, planet and profit.

The internet consumes a vast amount of electricity and most of that power is derived from burning fossil fuels. It’s not just websites, of course, that use all that power – streaming, emails, data storage etc all contribute.

However, my expertise is in websites and SEO, so that’s where I focus my time and energy. There’s a great deal that can be done to reduce a website’s power consumption, on the server, over the network and on users’ devices.

It’s all about efficiency – using resources sensibly and without waste. More efficient websites are faster websites, which leads to greater user satisfaction and potentially higher search engine rankings.

You can find out more about sustainable websites and the carbon emissions of the internet on my website –

Reducing the carbon emissions of a website will not save an organisation money. However, it is a relatively simple, low-cost action that can be taken that makes a difference and demonstrates a commitment to sustainability.

If you’d like any advice about website sustainability or search engine optimisation, please do get in touch.

Also, I’m keen to connect with people who share my passion for people and planetary sustainability, so please do drop me a line or send me a connection request on LinkedIn.

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